If you’re running in an account that was created for you as part of an AWS event, there’s no need to go through the cleanup stage - the account will be closed automatically.
If you’re running in your own account, make sure you run through these steps to make sure you don’t encounter unwanted costs.
If you haven’t already, terminate the EC2 instance that was detached from the EC2 Auto Scaling group in the previous step.
Delete the CloudFormation template for the Spot Instance Interruption Handler: serverlessrepo-ec2-spot-interruption-handler
Delete all manually created resources.
aws autoscaling delete-auto-scaling-group --auto-scaling-group-name runningAmazonEC2WorkloadsAtScale --force-delete
aws deploy delete-deployment-group --application-name koelApp --deployment-group-name koelDepGroup
aws deploy delete-application --application-name koelApp
aws s3 rm s3://$codeDeployBucket --recursive
aws elbv2 delete-load-balancer --load-balancer-arn $alb_arn
sleep 5
aws elbv2 delete-target-group --target-group-arn $tg_arn
aws rds delete-db-instance --db-instance-identifier runningAmazonEC2WorkloadsAtScale --skip-final-snapshot
aws ec2 delete-launch-template --launch-template-name runningAmazonEC2WorkloadsAtScale
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name spotinterruptionhandler
Finally, delete the CloudFormation stack itself.
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name runningAmazonEC2WorkloadsAtScale