Final Thoughts
Congratulations! You have successfully completed the workshop. Today you have:
- Learned about AWS Batch, its use cases and components.
- Seen how easy it is to adopt Spot best practices when using AWS Batch, by defining several compute environments with the appropriate allocation strategies.
- Learned the different types of jobs you find in AWS Batch (array and single). Also, you have learned how to define dependencies between them and how to work with the AWS_BATCH_JOB_ARRAY_INDEX environment variable.
- Learned the concepts required to create a derivatives pricing and risk pipeline using QuantLib and AWS Lambda.
- Used AWS Step Functions to orchestrate the workflow of the pipeline.
- Built and published a Docker image that prices a non-trivial derivative product using AWS Batch.
You can check how much you have saved with Spot instances by going to the Savings Summary panel. To view your savings do the following:
- Open the Amazon EC2 console at
- In the navigation pane, choose Spot Requests.
- In the top right corner of the screen, select Savings summary