Only complete this section if you are at an AWS hosted event (such as re:Invent, public workshop, Immersion Day, or any other event hosted by an AWS employee). If you are running the workshop on your own, go to: Start the workshop on your own
If you are at an AWS event, an AWS account created for you to use throughout the workshop. You will need the Participant Hash provided to you by the event’s organizers.
You are now logged in to the AWS console in an account that was created for you, and will be available only throughout the workshop run time.
In the next section we will get the login details of the GitLab environment that was pre-provisioned for you via AWS CloudFormation. First, you need to find and open the CloudFormation stack: it is the oldest one in the account.
and the main one starting with mod-...
. You will need the main stack (latter one), click on it.If there is no CloudFormation stack present, provision it as specified in the section …On your own.
You can now proceed to the Workshop Preparation where you will save the required output values from the stack.