If you are running the workshop on your own, the Cloud9 workspace should be built by an IAM user with Administrator privileges, not the root account user.
Please ensure you are logged in as an IAM user. We will open the Cloud9 environment first to execute all the commands needed for this workshop.
If you have not used Cloud9 before, take your time to explore the IDE (Integrated Development Environment). We will primarily be using the terminal and the editor to read files.
Your workspace should now look like this:
In order to work with ECS from our new Cloud9 IDE environment, we need the required permissions.
Use the GetCallerIdentity CLI command to validate that the Cloud9 IDE is using the correct IAM role.
aws sts get-caller-identity
The output assumed-role name should contain the name of the role in the Arn field.
"UserId": "AROAQAHCJ2QPOAJPQADXV:i-0eedc304975256fac",
"Account": "0004746XXXXX",
"Arn": "arn:aws:sts::0004746XXXXX:assumed-role/EcsSpotWorkshop-Cloud9InstanceRole/i-0eedc304975256fac"