Only complete this section if you are running the workshop on your own or if you do not have a CloudFormation stack with GitLab available. If you are at an AWS hosted event (such as re:Invent, public workshop, Immersion Day, or any other event hosted by an AWS employee), go to Start the workshop at an AWS event.
Your account must have the ability to create new IAM roles and scope other IAM permissions.
You don’t need the key to complete the labs, but it is still configured when creating the instances, because you might want to explore the environment and log in to the provisioned instances. The following steps show how to create it.
(even if you use Microsoft Windows: we will be uploading this key into an AWS Cloud9 environment)Now you will deploy a GitLab without any runners. As it is not the purpose of this workshop to dive deep into GitLab itself, the deployment will be fully automated using Infrastructure as Code template in AWS CloudFormation. It will deploy a VPC with two public subnets, an Amazon S3 bucket that you can configure as GitLab cache, an EC2 Auto Scaling group for GitLab, an Application Load Balancer and an Amazon CloudFront distribution to organize a secure access to it, an Amazon ECR repository for storing the container image, and a number of supplementary resources.
, in the EEKeyPair field select ee-default-key-pair
or the name of the key you used in the steps above. Leave the default values in other fields and choose Next.CREATE_COMPLETE
status (it should take approximately 15 minutes) and continue with Workshop Preparation.